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First-aid training provider flexibility for businesses

Date: 10 Apr 2014

Life has become a little less complicated for businesses of all sizes and sectors thanks to HSE’s continuing efforts to reduce burdens.Recent regulatory changes mean that HSE no longer has to approve first-aid training and qualifications so businesses now have more flexibility in how they manage first-aid training in the workplace.
Where an employer’s needs assessment shows that trained first-aiders are required, they will now be able to choose a training provider as well as decide what
level of training is necessary. HSE has revised its guidance to the Regulations
and has also produced information on selecting a first-aid training provider.

The guidance makes it clear that first aid training is available from a wide range of providers including:

  • those who operate under voluntary approval schemes, for example a trade or industry body having quality assurance schemes accredited by a third party (eg the First Aid Industry Body FAIB)
  • those who choose to offer regulated qualifications (first-aid qualifications regulated by the qualification regulators Ofqual, SQA and the Welsh Government);
  • those who operate independently of any such scheme, for example where a training provider chooses to demonstrate their competence to an employer by providing evidence that they meet the criteria set by HSE; or
  • from one of the Voluntary Aid Societies.