Cost effective First Aid at Work training
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First Aid at Work + AED Initial - FAIB Approved
First Aid trained personnel at the workplace is a requirement of Health & Safety law. First Aiders can act to prevent situations becoming worse and can reduce potential sick leave through prompt emergency action. They will be able to use provided First Aid equipment and an AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) with confidence.
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HSE First Aid guidance update April 2018
Date: 10 Apr 2018
First Aid at Work Guidance Update
HSE have recently amended their first aid at work guidance and the key changes are:
1. The introduction of blended learning as an accepted method of first aid training delivery.
2. The addition of AED use to FAW and EFAW course content.
3. Haemostatic dressings/tourniquets have been added as examples of additional training/equipment that might be identified as appropriate in an employer’s needs assessment.
4. Minor amends to clarify the removal of HSE’s training approval status and the revision of links to other legislation that has changed over the last few years.
The following publications and web pages have been updated accordingly.