News archive
New 2021 Guidelines from Resuscitation Council (UK)
2nd June 2021
The Resuscitation Council (UK) have released their latest guidelines (2021) on 7th May 2021. These revised Guidelines, written by leading experts in resuscitation, provide up-to-date, evidence-based best practice for clinical excellence in resuscitation...
Covid 19 update 24 February 2021 Rescue Breaths
24th February 2021
Temporary omission of rescue breaths from training during current period of high transmission rates The Resuscitation Council UK (RCUK) has stated that they are supportive of training providers who may wish to omit practical teaching and assessment of rescue breaths in first aid training while coronavirus transmission rates are very high...
Covid 19 update 14 January 2021
14th January 2021
First aid during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic This page covers first aid requirements in non-healthcare settings during the pandemic, as well as first aid cover and qualifications at this time. First aid in non-healthcare settings First aid cover and qualifications First aid in non-healthcare settings This guidance will help employers ensure first aiders are confident that they can help someone injured or ill at work during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic...
Covid 19 update 13 October 2020
13th October 2020
The HSE have clarified the advice given in September on the extension of First Aid at Work (FAW) and Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) certificates. (see link below)
Covid 19 update 24 September 2020
24th September 2020
The HSE have produced revised guidance on the extension of First Aid at Work (FAW) and Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) certificates. (see link below)
Covid-19 First Aiders update
6th August 2020
Here is a useful guide for First Aiders in the workplace when dealing with a casualty:
Covid-19 and Paediatric First Aid Certificates
6th August 2020
The Department for Education has decided to further extend the validity of Paediatric First Aid certificates that expired on or after 16th March 2020 until the 25th November 2020 The relevant link is:-
Covid-19 Update 4 June 2020
4th June 2020
Here is the latest advice from the First Aid Quality Partnership: Delivering first aid training during the CoVid19 breakout – advice to employers In addition to the requirements laid down by the HSE in ‘Selecting a first-aid training provider A guide for employers’ – GEIS3, we as the industry leaders in workplace first aid training recommend that employers consider the following aspects as part of their due diligence when choosing a first aid training provider during the CoVid19 outbreak...
First aid cover and qualifications during coronavirus (COVID-19)
3rd April 2020
Here is the latest virus news from the HSE dated 1st April 2020 From If first aid cover for your business is reduced because of coronavirus or you can’t get the first aid training you need, there are some things you can do so that you still comply with the law...
Covid-19 advice on expiry of certificates from the HSE
19th March 2020
The HSE has extended any First Aid certificates due to run out after 16th March 2020 by 3 months: Extension of FAW, EFAW, Paediatric First Aid and Emergency Paediatric First Aid HSE STATEMENT (THURSDAY, 19TH MARCH 2020) The changes will also apply to Paediatric First Aid and Emergency Paediatric First Aid...
First Aid Education in Schools 2020
28th November 2019
Here is the Resuscitation Councils (UK) statement on Department for Education plans to introduce CPR training in schools in England: The Resuscitation Council (UK) welcomes the news released that CPR and first aid training are to be included as part of the school curriculum in England...
Quality Standards for CPR training in the community
2nd May 2019
The Resusitation Council (UK) are looking for your opinion on setting standards for CPR & AED awareness throughout the country and for all citizens. Take a look at They have developed a survey on this site for you to feedback your thoughts.
New Mental Heath First Aid courses
28th November 2018
Contact us for details.
HSE First Aid guidance update April 2018
10th April 2018
First Aid at Work Guidance Update HSE have recently amended their first aid at work guidance and the key changes are: 1. The introduction of blended learning as an accepted method of first aid training delivery. 2. The addition of AED use to FAW and EFAW course content...
AEDs (defibrillators) Now taught on ALL First Aid Courses
13th January 2017
The HSE have introduced a requirement to teach the use of AEDs (Defibrillators) for ALL First Aid at Work courses as from 1st January 2017. AEDs, although not mandatory in the workplace, can be lifesavers if used within the first minutes of a Heart Attack...
First Aid on the BBC World Service
15th November 2016
This is well worth a listen as an introduction to basic First Aid. Topics include: Learning First Aid First Aid for road accidents First Aid for bites & stings First Aid for children
AEDs (defibrillators) to be added to First Aid courses
13th June 2016
The HSE have stated that as from 31 December 2016, use of an AED or Defibrillator is to to be taught on all First Aid at Work courses. Here is what they say: Training on Defibrillators to be included on the EFAW and FAW Syllabus Changes to Resuscitation Council UK guidelines on cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in October 2015 mean that HSE will now be revising the Emergency First Aid and First Aid at Work syllabuses...
NEW 2015 Resuscitation Council CPR guidelines released
20th October 2015
The Resuscitation Council (UK) released the new 2015 CPR protocols on 15th October 2015. As expected, there are minimal differences from the last protocols of 2010. Details can be found at https://www...
NEW Workplace First Aid courses with AED training
23rd November 2014
Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) are becoming more commonplace not only in the workplace but in the community. To help with your training needs we have combined several First Aid at Work courses with tuition and skills practice with AEDs. Whether you have an AED or not, why not supplement your FAIB approved Emergency First Aid at Work course with the extra knowledge of how to use a Defib in an emergency...
First-aid training provider flexibility for businesses
10th April 2014
Life has become a little less complicated for businesses of all sizes and sectors thanks to HSE’s continuing efforts to reduce burdens.Recent regulatory changes mean that HSE no longer has to approve first-aid training and qualifications so businesses now have more flexibility in how they manage first-aid training in the workplace...
FAIB approval
13th December 2013
We are proud to announce we are now First Aid Industry Body (FAIB) approved! Our unique approval number 1441/94 is the same as our old HSE approval number and shows that we have been approved since 1994.The FAIB has been set up to take the place of the HSE for approvals and quality monitoring of First Aid at Work courses...
NEW! HSE Changes from October 2013
1st October 2013
As of 1 October 2013, the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 have been amended, removing the requirement for HSE to approve first aid training and qualifications. The change is part of HSE's work to reduce the burden on businesses and put common sense back into health and safety, whilst maintaining standards...
New First Aid guidance now due on 1st October 2013
22nd February 2013
HSE approval for First Aid training organisations will end on 1st October 2013. After that, It is up to First Aid training organisations to do one or all of 3 things: Offer Ofqual qualifications in First Aid Become a member of a trade body to maintain quality do nothing at all...
HSE consultation on removal of approval for FAW courses
21st November 2012
A consultation on the proposed removal of the requirement for the Health and Safety Executive to approve first aid training and qualifications, a review of the Approved Code of Practice and the content of associated guidance This Consultative Document seeks views on proposals from HSE to amend Regulation 3(2) of the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 (S...
Emergency Life Support in Schools
17th January 2012
Here's a worthwhile cause: The Resuscitation Council (UK) is working in partnership with the British Heart Foundation, supported by numerous organisations, to lobby Parliament to include ELS as a mandatory part of the national school curriculum. What is Emergency Life Support? Emergency Life Support (ELS) is the set of actions needed to keep someone alive until professional help arrives...
Vinnie Jones shows you how!
17th January 2012
I am sure you you have seen the very funny but educational video about Hands Only CPR on TV but just incase you missed it, here is the link to view
New BS standard for First Aid kits
29th June 2011
From 30th June 2011, there is to be a new British Standard First Aid kits BS8599. Don't panic though as the HSE say that existing kits are acceptable to comply with HSE's First Aid at Work guidance. Please note that HSE have been involved in the creation of the new standard and the current guidelines in the First Aid at Work regs, ACOP (L74) are met and exceeded by the new BSi Standard...
NEW Resuscitation Guidelines 2010
18th October 2010
The Resusitation Council (UK) have released new Basic Life Support protocols. More detailed information on adult, child & baby CPR is available in our resources section Here is a summary of the changes: The following changes in the BLS guidelines have been made to reflect the importance placed on chest compression, particularly good quality compressions, and to attempt to reduce the number and duration of pauses in chest compression: When obtaining help, ask for an automated external defibrillator (AED), if one is available...
Update HSE advice on First Aid protocols
12th May 2010
A frequent question we get asked is "do you teach the same as St John or Red Cross?" The short answer is yes we do! The HSE have this to say on this subject and of course we comply with their policies: The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) are regularly asked questions on different first aid protocols in particular whether the treatment provided is correct...
New First Aid at Work Courses for 2010
5th January 2010
HSE Approved First Aid at Work Courses as of 1st October 2009 You may or may not know that the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) have introduced some major changes to the First Aid at Work Regulations on 1st October 2009. We have produced this briefing sheet to help you understand how the changes will affect your First Aid training provision in your workplace...
First Aid at Work and Emergency Aid courses are changing on 1st October 2009
1st November 2008
See this flowchart to see if the changes affect you. First aid courses to complete over an initial three year period and in subsequent years.
Update on the review of the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981
25th August 2008
Click here for the latest on the most important changes to First Aid in the Workplace for over 30 years. First Aid at Work courses are likely to be 3 days instead of 4 and Appointed persons courses will be 6 hours instead of 4. This update on the review of the First Aid Regulations seeks to clarify the relationship between HSE and the First Aid at Work Council...
Basic Life Support Changes 2006
15th June 2006
New basic life support protocols have been launched by the Resuscitation Council (UK). Read the new resuscitation procedures in more detail here. Further information can be found on the Resuscitation Council (UK)'s website. The following summarises the changes: Compressions to Breaths Ratio Once normal breathing is found to be absent, give 30 compressions at the rate of 100 per minute...
Update on the Review of the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981
28th January 2006
Following on from the first stage Casella Winton research report and the second stage Discussion Document, HSE made some amendments to the proposals for revising the structure and content of first aid training courses. These amendments were incorporated into a consultation paper which was issued in November 2004 to obtain the views of HSE approved first aid training providers as well as organisations representing employers, employees, emergency medical and paramedic personnel...
The Analysis of Review Questionnaire
28th July 2005
The HSE have published their findings on the major review of First Aid in the workplace. Changes that are proposed include reducing the First Aid at Work course from 4 to 3 days and ensuring that only approved organisations can teach Emergency Aid courses...
First Aid Training: Retention of Skills and Knowledge
11th October 2004
Proof that 3 years is too long for a First Aid at Work certificate! By Dr Mark Woods PhD, from the Medical Sciences Unit, Health and Safety Executive Background The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 place a legal duty on employers to provide suitable equipment, facilities and personnel for the first aid treatment of employees who are injured or become ill at work...
HSE Response to the Casella Review
8th October 2003
The HSE have responded to the Casella Review. This is essential reading for any organisation interested in the future of First Aid at Work. In 2001, The HSE commissioned research into the effectiveness of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981...
The Casella Report
16th September 2003
Back in October 2001, Research into the effectiveness of Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 was commissioned by the HSE. The report, produced by Casella Winton, was published on the 30 January 2003.The HSE is considering the recommendations made in the research report and is aiming to issue a Discussion Document in Autumn 2003...